{"id":10,"date":"2014-11-30T01:34:18","date_gmt":"2014-11-30T01:34:18","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/apexsamplework.com\/southsidechimney\/?page_id=10"},"modified":"2018-01-13T15:15:10","modified_gmt":"2018-01-13T15:15:10","slug":"home","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"http:\/\/southsidechimneysweep.com\/","title":{"rendered":"Providing Chimney Sweep Services throughout Fayette County"},"content":{"rendered":"

Welcome to Southside Chimney Sweeps!<\/h2>\n

We offer a full-line of chimney services including chimney safety inspections, repair and replacement of crowns, chimney cleanings, etc for Metro Atlanta residents.<\/p>\n

According to the Chimney Saftey Insititute of America (CSIA), there are over 25,000 fires per year in the United States that are caused by chimney fires.\u00a0These fires are responsible for over $125 million dollars in damage. Built up creosote\u00a0and debris are responsible for many of those fires. Homeowners often don’t know it’s a chimney fire until after the damage has been done.<\/p>\n

Fires can cause property damage and the loss of loved ones; no one should have to ever experience this. Luckily there are things you can do to prevent chimney fires which means that’s one less thing your family has to worry about. Contact us<\/a> today to set up your inspection.<\/p>\n


\"modernWhy Choose Southside Chimney Sweeps?<\/h2>\n

Southside Chimney Sweeps is locally owned by firefighters.\u00a0We have been called out to countless homes to put out fires caused by chimney and fireplace burning. We know what to look for and how to prevent future problems. With our team, you’re getting:<\/p>\n